Specialized Storage and Services for
Fine Art, Design, Collectibles and Furniture

Hurricane Season Art Storage

A Panic Room for Your Picasso

We understand that in South Florida, planning ahead for storms is not optional, but a necessity.  We are here to help guide you through the creation of your own hurricane preparedness program and make it easy for you to safeguard your artworks.  We will pack and pick-up your selected artworks at the start of Hurricane Season and store them in a private unit.  At the end of season, Fortress will deliver the works back to your home and hang them on the same place on the wall.  We also offer hurricane evacuation services of artworks prior to storms and during post-storm recovery.  And, you can also bring your artwork directly to your storage unit, if you prefer. Fortress services Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Naples, the Florida Keys and other areas in South Florida.